Monday, October 28, 2013

Final Week!

"If you want to run, run a mile. If you want to experience a different life, run a marathon." -Emil Zatopek (famous Czech Runner)

This week is going to be remarkably easy. Just a few 3 mile runs, a light work load, and a lot of time to
get mentally and physically prepared for the race. I just tried to book an hour long "sports massage" for the week, so hopefully that works out. The race is coming at a perfect time. My fall season at work has finished out, it's becoming too cold to teach private lessons outdoors on the side, and the marathon is coming at a very docile time. The calm before the programming, marketing, staffing, planning and teaching storm that will hit again in January. I'm feeling great and I'm ready to go. Here are a few updates on how things are going. 

Fundraising: I'm closing in on the $2,500 mark and am almost 70% to my total goal. We had a great event a few weeks ago at the Just Tennis Clinic and Raffle. Read more about this on our Just Tennis Blog

Fitness Level: Despite the pumpkin pie blizzard with whipped cream and nutmeg I just devoured while Halloween costume shopping, and the cup of pumpkin spice coffee I'm savoring right now, I'm feeling very fit. 

I don't feel like I've evolved into a rippled, superhuman, accelerating blur of awesomeness, but I do feel more energetic. There's more of a spring in my step, I feel quicker and lighter, and I feel like my body has become more fuel efficient. I was always fairly good. Maybe along the lines of a Nissan Altima. But now, after all this training. I feel like a Toyota Prius or a Honda Fit. Not the quick, muscle bound sprint of a Maserati or the awkward yet dependable clunkiness of a fuel efficient SUV. Yep, I'm in total Prius mode. Let's hope I can add a little more horsepower!

Highlights: I'm really looking forward to the diversity of the crowd in this race. I tuned into all of our conference calls with Kathrine Switzer, the 1974 winner as well as the Director of Philanthropy for the NY Roadrunners. As he went through the course, he emphasized the energy and diversity of the crowd. In certain stretches, we'll be cheered on by hoards of hipsters. In others, Hasidic Jews. A few miles down the street, we may be entering a vibrant Hispanic Community. I'm really excited to see the unique personality that each borough brings to the table. I know that my Mp3 player won't be necessary for this run. The cheering of the crowd, the competitive spirt of the runners around me and my own thoughts will be all I need. 

USTA Middle States: Michael, Kate, Marge and the entire team at Middle States has been very helpful in getting my name and my cause out there. The most recent story was great. I know not everyone is able to donate, but it's nice to be out and about or teaching on the court and hearing a parent say "HEY! I saw you in the USTA Newsletter!" That's much better than what I used to get recognized for: "HEY! Aren't you the guy that wears those weird toe shoes at the gym?" The answer to both of those questions is a resounding yes. 

**One last thing. I've always wanted to "Run with the Bulls" in Pamplona. This weekend, I may not be getting chased by bulls throughout the streets of Spain, but I will be "Running with the Pigs" in New York! My friend and fellow avid traveler keeps an active Piggie Blog of her always interesting travel and life adventures. 

In each post, she featuring photos of local sights and locations, starring her 3 plastic pigs. I'll be guest-posting with my own plastic pigs at the New York Marathon. Maybe next year, they'll visit the original pigs in Chicago for the Chicago Marathon! 

I'll post once again on Saturday from New York City and I'll be sure to include lots of pictures, posts and stories. It should be a truly memorable weekend. 

1 comment:

  1. haha! Thanks for volunteering to be the weird guy with pigs strapped on him!!
    Good luck!
